
Expo Excellence

I stumbled across these photos of Habitat '67, while roaming the world wide web not too long ago. This housing complex is a mind boggler for me. Its unique modular design has the visual power to make anyone go crazy. The apartments were designed by Moshe Safdie, and were used for housing international dignitaries during the 1967 Expo in Montreal. The landmark is located on the Marc-Druin Quay on the St. Lawrence River in Montreal, Quebec.

Either way I would definitely go back to Montreal just to be in the presence of this building. As well I wouldn't leave until I got a small tour.

Read more about the Habitat on their website.

Advertisement poster from the Expo. Loving the layout and style.

Beauty huh?!


Let's Start Again.

Here is my second attempt to begin this 'thing'. It's no secret that I am incompetent with keeping up something of this sort. However, hopefully I can peak your interest and help you lube up your brain through the objects that I find interesting, in hopes that they are mindful for you as well. Let me know what you think, feedback is always grand!

One of my many summer purchases. Camel colour is an easy "yes!" and goes with all. The lining of the purse is made with 21 recycled bottles, how neat is that! The duality of Matt & Nat is one that pushes innovative design while maintaining a sense of ecological responsibility. As for the clogs, they leave me speechless and so do you Mr. Campbell.
Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell, Woodies Collection
Purse: Matt and Nat